Jawbone Marine Sanctuary Care Group engages in a range of activities and projects, including Seagrass and Mangrove monitoring in conjunction with Parks Victoria, working with Peter Taylor of Heritage Victoria to gather more information about shipwrecks in Jawbone and working together to develop a Species Inventory for Jawbone. Several members have been able to contribute to research projects being conducted by Parks Victoria or various Universities, such as to understand the potential benefits of culling of sea urchins or re-establishing oyster beds in Port Phillip Bay.

Every year we participate in the Great Victorian Fish Count and Cleanup Australia Day. We liaised with Victorian National Parks Association for various activities and we organise excursions for school groups from the Western suburbs so that children who may never have been to the beach can discover the marine sanctuary. During the winter months we regularly host several information nights. Informally, when conditions are right, someone will arrange to go diving or snorkeling in the Sanctuary.

Beach cleanup - we continue to clean up rubbish that has been washed up onto the beach in recent months.